Recoil Spring for Komatsu

Recoil Spring for Komatsu

As the hardest working component of a tractor’s undercarriage system, the Track Adjuster Recoil Springs maintain the proper track tension to avoid premature wear and extend the life of the track and idler systems. CTP’s recoil springs for Komatsu will provide the correct tension at all times, in all variants of extreme working conditions.

Recoil Spring For Komatsu

wdt_ID Part No. Description Machine Model
1 134-30-63162 SPRING RECOIL D61E-12, D61EX-12, D61PX-12, D61EX-12A-W, D61PX-12A-W, D68ESS-12E0
2 14Z-30-31111 SPRING D65WX-15E0, D65PX-12U, D65PX-15, D65PX-15E0, D65WX-15, D85ESS-2, D60P-12-E
3 206-30-22130 SPRING PC200LC-8, PC220-8, PC228US-8, BR380JG-1E0, HB215LC-1, PC240LC-8
4 206-30-22140 SPRING RECOIL PC228USLC-3E0, PC240-8K, PC210-10, PC160LC-LGP, PC220LC-8, PC200-8M0
5 206-30-55172 SPRING RECOIL PC228US-2J, BR300S-1B, BP500-3, BR350JG-1, PC200LC-6H, PC210LC-7-DA, PC228USLC-3-YA
6 206-30-72111 SPRING RECOIL BR480RG-1, PC200-7, PC220-7, PC220LC-7, PC240NLC-7K
7 207-30-54140 SPRING, RECOIL CD110R-1, BR550JG-1, D70LE-12, D65PX-12U, D85ESS-2A, PC250-6, PC300-6, PC350-6, PC250LC-6L
8 207-30-74142 SPRING RECOIL PC350-7, PC300-8, PC350LC-8, BR580JG-1, PC290LC-10, BR550JG-1, PC270-7-AG, 430FXL-1
9 208-30-74140 SPRING RECOIL PC400LC-8, PC450-8R, PC400-8, PC450LC-8R, PC490LC-10, PC550LC-8, PC400-7E0, XT445L-2
10 20Y-30-12112 SPRING PC158USLC-2, PC200-6, PC200-6H, PC210-6, PC220-7, PC200-7-AA, PC180LC-7K

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions. Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only. Komatsu® is the registered trademark of Komatsu Ltd. John Deere® is the registered trademark of John Deere Company.

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