Vane Pump Cartridges

Vane Pump Cartridges

The VQH (High pressure) pumps are specifically designed for higher pressure and higher speed operation. The VQH series employ a rotor design which enhances the pressure capabilities of the pump. Max pressure ratings for the VQH designs range between 3,300 and 3,500 PSI depending on the model size. VQH cartridges are interchangeable with the VQ series pumps.

wdt_ID Cartridge Kit Part No. Description Machine
1 1U0532 CARTRIDGE GP 973
2 1U2652 CARTRIDGE GP-VANE PUMP 814B, 816B, 936, G936
3 1U2664 CARTRIDGE GP 631C, 633D, 637, 639D, 824B
4 1U2665 CARTRIDGE GP 926, 926A, 930R, G926, IT28, IT28B
5 1U2666 CARTRIDGE GP D350E, D400E, D8L, D9N
6 1U2667 CARTRIDGE GP-REAR 966D, 966F, 966F II, 970F, R1600, R1600G, R1600H
7 1U2668 CARTRIDGE GP 926, 926A, G926, IT18B, IT28, IT28B
8 1U2669 CARTRIDGE GP 824C, 825C, D8L, D9N
9 1U2670 CARTRIDGE GP 633D, 639D
10 1U2671 CARTRIDGE GP 631C, 633D, 637, 639D, 773

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions. Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only. Komatsu® is the registered trademark of Komatsu Ltd. John Deere® is the registered trademark of John Deere Company.

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