Engine Gasket Kits 3054
Engine Gasket Kits 3054

Engine Gasket Kits 3054

CTP now offers gasket kits to repair your 3054, 3054C as well as the 3054E engines. The set includes upper and lower gasket sets, plus the front and rear crankshaft seals.

wdt_ID Part No. Engine Model Serial Number/Arrangement
1 CTP3054002 3054, 3054C 416C BACKHOE LOADER  5YN01-UP    
3 420D BACKHOE LOADER     BLN01-UP    
4 420D BACKHOE LOADER     BMC01-UP    
5 420D BACKHOE LOADER     FDP01-UP    
6 426C BACKHOE LOADER     1ER01-UP    
7 426C BACKHOE LOADER  1MR01-01179 
8 426C BACKHOE LOADER     1NR01-UP    
9 426C BACKHOE LOADER  1YR01-02191 
10 426C BACKHOE LOADER  1ZR01-01017 

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions. Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only. Komatsu® is the registered trademark of Komatsu Ltd. John Deere® is the registered trademark of John Deere Company.

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