Reversible Fans

Reversible Fans

Reversible fans can be used to free the radiator of debris, keeping the engine cooler and running more efficiently. As a result, this prolongs the life of the engine.

1. With the engine off, the ignition locked in the off position, and any required guarding removed, you are now ready to reverse your fan. There is a pink “DANGER” tag provided with your fan that should also be fastened to the ignition switch panel.

2. Individually reverse each blade by simply pushing inward (towards the hub) to compress the spring and then begin to rotate the blade; it should only turn in one direction.

3. Once the blade begins to rotate, you no longer need to keep pushing inward; continue to turn the blade toward the desired position.

4. Once the blade is rotated fully to the desired position, the blade will “spring” outward and lock itself into place. Now the blade will not be able to be turned around without pushing it inward again. The reversing of one blade is now complete; continue to reverse the remaining blades so that they are all in the same position.

5. Now that all of the blades have been reversed, the fan will force the air in the opposite direction. You are now ready to re-install the guarding, unlock the ignition switch, and continue operating the equipment with increased comfort.

Reversible Fans

wdt_ID Part No. Machine Model
1 1251362 D6R, D6T, D7H & D7HLGP, D8N
2 1359960 D9R
3 1479670 D7G
4 1479672 D8K, 583K, 983B/D

Standard Fans

wdt_ID Part No. Machine Model
1 1080725 D6M
2 1188458 D7R, D8R
3 1197864 938G, IT38G, 950G, 120H, 135H, IT62G, 962G
4 1200300 M318, M320
5 1265975 416C, 416D
6 1423391 416C
7 1730419 D8R
8 1786578 320C/C L/C LN, 318C L/C LN, 319C LN, 320C U/C LU
9 1947049 12H, 120H, 14H, 140H, 140H NA, 135H, 160H, 163H
10 2040910 320C, 320CL, 320CLN, 330C, 330CL, 330CLN


wdt_ID Part No. Machine Model
1 1P7763 D6C, D6D, D6F
2 1P7764 D6C, D6D, D6G

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions. Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only. Komatsu® is the registered trademark of Komatsu Ltd. John Deere® is the registered trademark of John Deere Company.

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