Self-Locking Nylon Patch

Self-Locking Nylon Patch

Why use CTP parts with Self-Locking Nylon Patch?
CTP offers the Self-Locking Nylon Patch alternative for your hardware needs. This self-locking nylon patch formula is specially designed as non-ozone depleting locking and sealing coating for threaded fasteners. It ultimately prevents fasteners from loosing, even under extreme vibration

Advantages of using parts coated with self locking
nylon patch:

  • Powerful lock and seal: with the self locking nylon patch, parts
    hold their place even during extreme vibration.
  • Reusable: using steady pressure and standard hand tools, parts
    with self locking nylon patching can be easily adjusted and reused
    as many times as needed.
  • Minimize Stripping: because the self locking nylon patch remains
    a thick, flexible coating, its cold flow properties would truly minimize
    stripping of soft threads during reuse.
  • Shelf Life: All parts coated with the self locking nylon patch can be
    stored indefinitely before use.
wdt_ID Part No. Description
1 315085 Bolt
2 1076826 Bolt
3 1749638 Bolt
4 2160029 Screw
5 4E5985 Bolt
6 4V7080 Bolt
7 5K5552 Bolt
8 6K4370 Inlay
9 6K5718 Bolt
10 7K4370 Bolt

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions. Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only. Komatsu® is the registered trademark of Komatsu Ltd. John Deere® is the registered trademark of John Deere Company.

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