Wiper Motors

Wiper Motors

Don’t let raindrops dance on your windshield. Have your wipers working properly for increased productivity and improved safety on the road with our CTP Wiper Motors.

wdt_ID Part No Application
1 1010745 216, 228, 236, 236B, 242B, 247, 247B, 248, 267, 267B, 268B, 287, 414E, 416D, 416E, 416F, 420D, 420E, 420F, 422E, 422F, 424D, 428D, 428E, 428F, 430D, 430E, 430F, 432D, 432E, 432F, 434E, 434F, 438D, 442
2 1234355 120H, 120H ES, 120H NA, 120K, 120K 2, 12H, 12H ES, 12H NA, 12K, 135H, 135H NA, 140H, 140H ES, 140H NA, 140K, 140K 2, 143H, 14H, 14H NA, 160H, 160H ES, 160H NA, 160K, 163H, 163H NA, 16H, 16H NA
3 1258175 65C, 75C, 75D, 85C, 85D, 953C, 963C, 973C, D3G, D3K XL, D3K2 LGP, D4G, D4K XL, D4K2 XL, D5G, D5K LGP, D5K2 XL, D5N, D5R LGP, D6K, D6K LGP, D6K XL, D6K2, D6K2 LGP, D6N, D6N LGP, D6R, D6R II, D6R III
4 1285040 322B L, 325B L, 330B L, 345B, 345B II, 345B II MH, 345B L, 350, 375 L, 385B, 5080, D10T, D10T2, D11T, D6T LGP, D6T LGPPAT, D8T, D9T, DEUCE, M325B, R1300G, R1300G II, R1600, R1600G, R1600H, R1700G
5 1341935 30/30, 320C FM, 320D, 320D FM, 322C, 769D, 771D, 773D, 773E, 775D, 775E, 776D, 777D, 950H, 953D, 962H, 963D, 966H, 972H, 973D, 980H
6 1466433 120M, 120M 2, 12M, 12M 2, 12M 3, 12M 3 AWD, 140M, 140M 2, 140M 3, 140M 3 AWD, 14M, 160M, 160M 2, 160M 3, 160M 3 AWD, 16M, 236D, 242D, 246D, 257D, 259D, 262D, 272D, 272D XHP, 277D, 279D, 287D, 289D
7 1613670 307C, 307D, 311C, 311D LRR, 311F LRR, 312C L, 312D, 312D L, 312D2, 312D2 GC, 312D2 L, 312E, 312E L, 313D, 313D2, 313D2 LGP, 315C, 315D L, 316E L, 318C, 318D L, 318D2 L, 318E L, 319D L, 319D LN, 320C
8 1617524 216, 228, 236, 247, 248, 267, 287, CB-434D, CB-534D, CB-564D, CD-54
9 1898610 307B, 320C, 322C, 323D L, 323D LN, 324D LN, 325C, 325D, 325D L, 330C, 330C L, 330D, 330D L, 330D LN, 336D L, 336E HVG, 345C, 345C L, 349E L HVG, 365C, 365C L, 385C, 385C L, 554, 564, 574, 574B, 844K
10 1953218 312D, 315D L, 319D, 320C, 322C, 323D L, 323D LN, 324D, 324D LN, 325C, 325D, 325D L, 329D L, 330C, 330C L, 330D, 330D L, 330D LN, 330D MH, 336D L, 345C, 345C L, 345D, 345D L, 365C, 365C L, 365C L MH

* Other part no. not included in the list are available. Please contact your sales representative if you have any questions. Part Numbers are used for reference purposes only. Komatsu® is the registered trademark of Komatsu Ltd. John Deere® is the registered trademark of John Deere Company.

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